Jewellery Care – Guides to take care of your silver Jewellery |

Ensuring proper care of your jewellery not only enhances its life and luster, but also enables you to enjoy it for years to come. Do follow these simples guidelines for better jewellery experience.

Activities where jewellery should be avoided-

1.Manual activities –Remove jewellery during cooking, household cleaning, etc. to prevent it’s contact with sweat, perspiration & chemicals.

2.Bathing or applying makeup – Colognes, Perfumes, Hairspray, Cosmetics, Soap and lotion can contain chemicals that can often react and damage jewellery, therefore wear them after your makeup to prevent exposure and damage.

3.Sporting activities – Chlorinated water , perspiration can damage the metal and the polish of the jewellery.

Tips for cleaning Jewellery:

1.Jewellery polishing cloth

Polish silver or gold with a jewellery polishing cloth for best results. Use of tissue or paper towels can cause scratches on the jewellery, hence should be avoided.

2.Professional cleaning solution

Use only professional or branded cleaning solutions and tarnish removers.

3.Use warm water to clean jewellery

Warm water with alcohol-free mild soap can also be used to clean you jewellery. However we recommend this as a last resort.

Tips for storing your jewellery:

Storing jewellery in air tight containers prevents it from being damaged due to oxidation.

Reduce chance of tarnishing

Pure sterling silver jewellery has a tendency to tarnish especially when it's not worn. To maintain the luster of your jewellery, place it in re-sealable poly-bags before putting them into a container to prevent it from oxidation / tarnishing. Tarnishing does not mean that your sterling silver is not pure but it’s the opposite. If however, tarnishing does occur then you can always refer to our Jewellery cleaning tips and / or get it re-polished.

The above are basic guidelines for your information only
